Появилась хорошая новость. Вышла прошивка, которая позволяет коннектить SENA с другими марками!
I am pleased to inform you that the new and the latest firmware release, version 5.0 for SMH10 is now available.
The new firmware introduces many new features such as the Universal Intercom which allows a complete cross-brand compatibility, Advanced Noise Control with wind noise suppression and intelligent noise gate, side-tone support, and many more.
For more information, please refer to the links below.
- Universal Intercom Overview:
http://senabluetooth.com/universal_intercom/ - Notice:
http://senabluetooth.com/sena-releas...e-version-5-0/ - Firmware download:
http://senabluetooth.com/software/smh10-firmware-5-0/ .
- Press Release:
http://senabluetooth.com/sena-techno...mware-upgrade/ ** Update for other Sena products:
The new features will be coming soon in the next firmware release of other Sena products, such as the SMH10R, SPH10, SPH10H, SPH10H-FM, SMH5, SMH5-FM and Expand.
We will begin shipping SMH10 with v5.0 firmware from the next production lot of SMH10.
Please make sure your customers are well informed of the news, and encourage them to upgrade the SMH10 to the latest version.