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Sports Club Coffee Racers became a partner of Clifornia Superbike School for the Baltic States.. The fist CSS event will take place at Bikernieki Track in Riga on 20-21 of July. The UK trainers will teach how to improve the riding skills.

The prices of California Superbike School in Bikernieki:

20 of July Levels I and III. The price of 269 EUR will be valid for those who register and pay until 18 of May. For those who will pay later the price of 299 EUR will be applied.

21 of July Levels I, II and III. The price of 269 EUR will be valid for those who register and pay until 18 of May. For those who will pay later the price of 299 EUR will be applied.

21 of July Level IV  - 399 EUR.

A day at the California Superbike School is a full one, starting at 7am and finishing at around 5pm (sometimes 6pm at certain tracks). It is intense but completed in a very relaxed, easy to learn atmosphere and you will be looked after every step of the way.

In a nutshell, the day involves:

5 x technical classroom sessions

5 x 20 minute on-track sessions

An on-track riding coach assigned to you

Student to coach ratio is 3:1 or lower

An off-track coach assigned to you (Level 4)

An off-track training drill to perform

It's our team that makes the difference

Whichever of our four levels you are attending, everyone is geared to help. Throughout the day your assigned coach will follow you and observe each aspect of your riding. For immediate feedback, specific hand signals are given to you by your coach whilst on the track or pull off with you to give feedback. You coach will also lead you to demonstrate techniques and debrief you after every ride. All our off-track and course control personnel also know which drill you are working on and every member of staff is focused on your improvement. You will improve!

Student Requirements

You don’t need to be an aspiring racer to be a Superbike School student – don’t let the name fool you, the Superbike School is for anyone who meets a few basic criteria and you don’t even need to have ridden on a track before.

You will need to bring:

A willingness to learn
Your full valid motorcycle licence or an ACU race licence
 Your riding kit: one or two piece (zip all the way round) leathers, full faced crash helmet, leather gloves, motorcycle boots (kit hire is available)
 Your bike (hire bikes are available if required)
Each level is a complete and integrated package of technical skills. The levels are not structured according to a rider’s experience or ability and all students begin at Level 1. We provide a logical, step-by-step structured approach for you to achieve your riding goals, broken down into easily understood, bite sized chunks. We will help you define those goals and provide you with the tools to make progress towards them. This is not PR or hype, we guarantee it and we’re the only school that does.

Level 1

Level 1 addresses the six most common errors that riders make and why. You will realise exactly how they have stopped or slowed your own improvement as a rider. There will be a technical briefing for each one, including on and off track drills that put you in control of them and your assigned coach for the day will observe and correct any difficulties you are having with each drill. You will be coached as an individual according to your skill level and you will improve.

Confidence and control are shattered when riders experience vague fears about turn entry speed, finding good lines, bike stability and their own rider-induced errors. These fears and uncertainties are addressed and replaced with confident and precise bike control.

Level 2

Once an understanding is achieved of what a motorcycle can and should do for you from the Level 1 drills, we move on step-by-step to sharpen the visual skills. Level 2 is all about solutions to problems we face with our eyes.

The school’s visual drills put you in control of the road. We define our visual enemies and how to overcome them. Everyone knows that target fixation is dangerous and with our logical procedures, your eyes become precision instruments. The results of Level 2 are amazing. Riders lose their claustrophobia in corners and gain the freedom to really use the roads they ride.

As with Level 1, there are five technical briefings and five track sessions during the day.

Level 3

Level 3 addresses how you interface with the bike, your body position choices and how these can affect the cornering process. All five of the drills completed in Level 3 are indispensible tools and once rider position and stability are completely understood it paves the way for line selection options you may never have imagined.

The final drill is call Attack Angles will give you a whole new approach to cornering because you will have a plan.

Level 4

Level 4 takes a completely different turn and is custom designed for each rider. We ask you what needs to be improved. Now that a rider has spent at least three levels with us and discussed and practised over fifteen different riding skills, we design a program uniquely for that rider.

At Level 4 we take a very focused look at your skills and tie up the loose ends. Aside from the assigned on-track coach, we also provide a highly trained off-track consultant and throughout the day he will coordinate with your on-track coach and give you one-on-one attention to your riding.

Your riding will also be videoed and analysed with the added opportunity to ride our Slide Bike (weather/space permitting) and depending on track circumstances we aim to provide Level 4 students with an extra riding session to work on their individual program.

Please check our schedule to find a track and date suitable for you.

Private Coaching

This is as intense as it can get, one-to-one with one of our senior riding coaches. This is what we do in the GPs, WSB and BSB with countless club, national and international racers, as well as track day riders. With a tailored program developed for your specific needs, it’s an in-depth experience that rewards you with vast improvements.

There are several ways of doing private tuition, whether during a School day, track day or pit-lane style, dependent on what your goals are. Please contact our office to discuss your requirements or have a chat with one of our coaches.


Хочу хочу!! Только можно вкраце на русском, а то не понятно...

да в прошлом году тоже было .. но ценник какой-то не гуманный у них был .. если я не ошибаюсь .. :/


--- Цитата: SeriS от 02.04.2015 10:14:17 ---20 of July Levels I and III. The price of 269 EUR will be valid for those who register and pay until 18 of May. For those who will pay later the price of 299 EUR will be applied.
--- Конец цитаты ---

Вова, CSS у нас первый раз будет...

лень искать .. но может там было где-то рядом , эстония например в пярну ...
на каких тройках они будут если большая трасса закрыта ..
на картинговой .. ?


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